Given an unsorted array return whether an increasing subsequence of length 3 exists or not in the array.
Formally the function should:
Return true if there exists i, j, k
such that arr[i] < arr[j] < arr[k] given 0 ≤ i < j < k ≤ n-1 else return false.
Note: Your algorithm should run in O(n) time complexity and O(1) space complexity.
Example 1:
Input: [1,2,3,4,5] Output: true
Example 2:
Input: [5,4,3,2,1] Output: false
Forward to create a list of the smallest number at each index position. Backward to create a list of the greatest number at each index position. If any number at same index greater than the number in forward, and smaller than the number in backward, then a triplet found.
Python Solution
class Solution:
def increasingTriplet(self, nums: List[int]) -> bool:
if len(nums) < 3:
return False
forward = []
backward = []
for i in range(1, len(nums)):
num = nums[i]
if num < forward[i - 1]:
forward.append(forward[i - 1])
backward.append(nums[len(nums) - 1])
for i in range(1, len(nums)):
num = nums[len(nums) - i - 1]
if num > backward[i - 1]:
backward.append(backward[i - 1])
for i in range(0, len(nums)):
num = nums[i]
if backward[i] > num > forward[i]:
return True
return False
- Time complexity: O(N).
- Space complexity: O(N).
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